The TCRF grant to triage will support a program helping young adults and adolescents diagnosed with cancer (AYAs) and their caregivers, who live in medically underserved Southern California communities, access quality and affordable health care while pursuing life goals like maintaining employment, managing finances, or preserving fertility. Triage Cancer is proposing a four-part program: (1) providing Navigation services to a minimum of 50 AYAs with cancer, their caregivers, and health care professionals in Southern California; (2) hosting an educational webinar on the practical and legal issues that often arise after a cancer diagnosis and are unique to AYAs and their caregivers; (3) distributing at least 100 copies of the Practical Guide to Cancer Rights Law for Young Adults and 100 copies of the Practical Guide to Cancer Rights Law for Caregivers to individuals throughout Southern California; (4) conducting strategic outreach to Black, Spanish-speaking, AYA, and low-income populations and their health care providers to make them aware of our free services.
Community Partner
Triage Cancer
Triage Cancer is a national, nonprofit organization that provides free education on the legal and practical issues that may impact individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers through events, materials, and resources.