
Lily Mundy, MD, Assistant Professor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Principal Investigator
Lily Zhu, Medical Student, Program Coordinator



Breast reconstruction plays an important role in restoring the form and function of the breast for many individuals following surgery for breast cancer. However, there are significant disparities in breast reconstruction in the United States based on race and ethnicity, with lower rates in women who are African American, Hispanic, and Asian. A major modifiable factor that impacts disparities in breast reconstruction is patient education.

What does participation involve?

We aim to better understand and evaluate the influence of available sources of information and education for patients with the ultimate goal of designing improved educational resources in the future. The online survey will consist of multiple choice and free response questions and will take participants an estimated 10-15 minutes to complete. We will ask questions related to demographics, personal history with breast cancer and breast reconstruction, educational resources that were used during the decision making process, and satisfaction with information and surgery.

Must be:

  • Any female age 18 and older and living in the U.S. is eligible
  • Must have received breast reconstruction for breast cancer
  • Must have access to computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone and internet


US and Virtual

How to sign up for this study:

Clicking on the link below and accepting the informed consent that you’ll receive via a mailing list-serv or a social media blast.