
Tara Matise, PhD, Principal Investigator
Natalie Nudelman, Program Coordinator



This pilot study aims to deploy a web-based study enrollment and engagement application, to enroll a minimum of 5,000 cases with breast cancer and 5,000 controls from diverse backgrounds, to obtain DNA from their saliva samples and survey questionnaires, and to perform analyses to identify genetic factors that contribute to the development of breast cancer as well as other health conditions more generally.

Although scientists have learned a great deal about a few breast cancer genes, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, these do not fully explain the role of genetics in breast cancer—there are many more genes and mutations yet to be identified and understood. Breast cancer remains a significant health concern. This new study aims to increase our knowledge of the role of genes in causing breast cancer, potentially leading to new medications to treat, or even prevent, breast cancer.

What does participation involve?

Participants will be asked to provide a DNA sample of saliva via mail, complete survey questionnaires, and provide breast cancer history and other health information which will be used to conduct genetics studies to search for novel genetic variants associated with breast cancer. We estimate that it will take just 20 minutes. In return for participation, you will have the option to choose to receive information about your genetic ancestry at no cost.

Must be:

  • Any person age 18 and older and living in the U.S. is eligible
  • Must have access to computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone and internet


US and Virtual

How to sign up for this study:

Clicking on the link below and accepting the informed consent that you’ll receive via a mailing list-serv or a social media blast.